St. Peters Church184 St. Peters Road Tamaqua, PA 18252US
If you are willing to donate your time and talent, you may contact Karen Diehl at 386-5472. We appreciate all that our volunteers do for us and the church.
We have the best group ever!
This committee discusses and plans for the church budget needs.
Kim Kistler
Michael Kistler
Jackie McCandless
Addresses the churches ongoing management needs.
Mike Hunsicker
Blaine Seip
Burdell Snyder
Aaron Steigerwalt
Dan Algard
Scott Coombe, President
Eric Schock, Treasurer
Paul David, Financial Secretary
Burdell Snyder, Recording Secretary
Dan Algard
Josh Hunsicker, Chairperson
Tammy Iacoviello
Blaine Seip
Gavin Seip
Burdell Snyder
Merk Hunsicker
Bonnie Myers
Denise Moyer
People Helping People to Make Christ's Love Known
Nicole Hunsicker, Coordinator
Samantha Kistler
Josh Hunsicker
Christine Miller
If you know of an organization or individual that could benefit from St. Peter’s Joyous Noise Offering, please contact Samantha Kistler or Nicole Hunsicker
Curt & Suzie Hartung
Kent & Jen Miller
Elaine Koons
Michael Kistler
Terry Abrachinsky
Karen Diehl
Sharon Herring
Dave Hontz
Jill Imbody
Justin Imbody
Bonnie Myers
Carol Steigerwalt
Delroy Steigerwalt